Roses & Thorns: A Year In Words and Photos

Every year that passes, I've noticed that, culturally, it becomes easier and easier to point out all that was negative over the last 365 days. I am exceedingly guilty of this. "This year was horrible! I'm ready for a new year," or something to that effect is heard nearly as often as "Good morning!" or "How are you?" this time of year. The stretch from Christmas Eve to today, December 31st, 2023, has been what I've repeatedly referred to as a 'slog' for me, emotionally. Slog is defined as a spell of difficult or tiring work or traveling, and that's what this last week has felt like. Swaying like a clock pendulum back and forth between bouts of hyper-sadness to a lack of anything existing inside my chest aside from tissue, blood, and organs, I slogged through the week. I struggled between not wanting to see the face of another human being, and being so desperate for company. I was moody and erratic in my disposition around those I con...